Thursday, September 1, 2011

Books/Devotionals/Bibles for Kids

As a child I was not taught the Bible in our home. We did go to church and most of my Bible teaching as a child was from the church. God used this to make me passionate about teaching the boys about the truths in the Bible. We usually have our Bible time at night before bed. I read to the 4 year old and 6 year old. Then I read to the 8 year old and 11 year old. I have listed some of the books and Bibles we have used over the years. I love Kenneth Taylor's stuff so you will see that I used many of his books.

Bible for Little People's Eyes by Kenneth Taylor (ages 3-4)
Family Time Bible in Pictures by Kenneth Taylor (ages 4-5)
Big thoughts for Little People by Kenneth Taylor (ages 3-5)
5 Minute Devotions for Children by Pamela and Doug Kennedy (ages 3-6)
My ABC Bible Verses (ages 4-7) I loved the scriptures they provide for memory.
Right Choices by Kenneth Taylor (my kids favorite book ever!!!)
Everything a Child Should Know about God by Kenneth Taylor (ages 4-7)
Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones (currently reading this ages 4-6)
Children's Chronological Bible by Karen Henley (7 min. a day, no pics ages 7-11)
Kenneth Taylor's Bible Study Book Bible (ages 7-9)
Then and Now Christian Heroes biographies ( I read these in the summer to the older boys. Love these. We have read about Nate Saint, Corrie ten Boom, George Mueller, David Livingstone, etc)

**I was struggling with my little two about them staying focused some nights for the Bible reading. Now, I give them a notebook and they draw what we are reading about. They love this.

Favorite Mommy Books:

Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman
Graced Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
Love and Logic (one of my favorites)
Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson (love her books)
Sibling Rivalry (this was helpful when the kids were younger)
Power of a Praying Parent (I pray out of this almost daily)
Called to be a Keeper ( my all time favorite Bible study, great for moms) you can order one at

I am not sure if this list will help anyone. I would love to hear about a series or devotions or resources that your family loves. Love to you.